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What do our parents say?

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We worked with Allume’s instructor during Covid to teach our 2 daughters for second grade in what we called our “Pod Family”. As for many, Covid was unknown territory and our instructor was able to pivot and adapt to teaching our kids in a non-traditional environment with customized lessons, activities, grades and assessments. She kept our girls engaged with fun activities and lessons. Our girls even wrote their own book with quotes and images in Google Docs on a famous leader, which the instructor had printed and bound, where it sits proudly on our shelf years later.

Her love and passion for teaching was evident from day 1. Our girls learned and grew in confidence so much that year and were able to blend back into in-person school with no issues the following year. We are so happy to see her growing and thriving in Allume Custom Education, but we are not at all surprised! Her passion and love for teaching children was evident back in 2020 and is even more evident now as she is able to help so many more kids learn and grow all over the US. I would recommend wholeheartedly any family to work with Allyse and her team in helping your children succeed.


What our parents say...

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Thanks to Allume, my child's grades in math have​ improved significantly! My child went from st​ruggling every day to keeping up with the cla​ss! My child's confidence has grown tremendously​. They no longer dread math, and are even exc​ited to get better grades in school!


Happy daughter embracing and kissing her working parents at home.
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Allume's instructor helped my​ child improve their reading scores ​by 94% in less than 6 months! I​ am so impressed how working w​ith my child just once a week made s​o much differ​ence!


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Real teachers. REAL results!

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When Tristan started with Allume in ​September, his diagnostic test showed he was ​at a 280 math level. I had him retake the ​diagnostic last week; he has grown to a 680! ​Tristan's math level shows a 6th grade, almost ​7th grade level! This is INCREDIBLE!!! I am so so ​proud of him! Go Tristan!

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Allume helped my child like math again! She feels like she has the best teacher because they make everything exciting and fun!


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(202) 540-0109

© 2024 Allume Custom Education, LLC